Monday, March 30, 2009

Life Happens!

During the past week and a half things have occurred that made it difficult to fit exercise in each day and to eat plenty of healthy food. Sick children and spouse (of course one at a time!) kept me home when I wanted to be at the gym. I've noticed when I don't exercise, I tend to crave more "junk" food - sweets and high fat items. It was very hard to stay on track and I felt badly for it. Then I thought about what I read in "Intuitive Eating" about feeling guilty for eating an apparently "forbidden food". No food is forbidden and we need to stop feeing badly when we eat something we feel we shouldn’t. I began to equate that with exercise. I did the best I could under the circumstances. I'm making these changes for a lot longer than just the 100 days of this challenge. Life will happen for the rest of my life. I just need to accept that, pick up where I left off, and move on. There should be no guilt involved. The family is now healthy and I'm getting back on track this week, without beating myself up over last week's experiences. It's all OK!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I'm so tired!!!!

Last week went very well. I was able to do harder workouts and felt great! This week has been a more difficult one. My last good exercise session was Saturday. Sunday is my day off. On Monday, I was only able to exercise 20 minutes due to family activities. I resolved that Tuesday would be the day to get back on track and have a good sweat! Unfortunately, as often occurs in life, the unexpected happens. My 21-month-old daughter came down with a stomach bug and needed continual love and care. I missed exercise, but it was a good reason to skip it. This morning I am SO TIRED! I know it's because I haven't been physically active for a few days. Early on in the challenge I discovered how much extra energy I had because of the exercise. Now I've discovered how slow I'm moving after missing a few days! My daughter is doing better today, so we'll go for a stroller ride/walk a little later and hopefully I'll make it to the fitness center tonight! I miss the energy!!!!!!

My weight has been gradually coming down and I was wondering why I hadn't noticed any differences in how my clothes fit, then it happened -- Monday morning I looked in the mirror and my face was slimmer - not so large of a double-chin! I got dressed and my pants were looser! It seemed like an overnight transformation, but I know it was the result of 4 weeks of hard work finally manifesting itself!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A lifetime adjustment, not a short-term diet

I have five kids (ages 21 months up to 17 years) who keep me quite busy. Before this challenge, I often skipped meals and usually just grazed during the day, thinking I was too busy to make myself a decent meal or snack. When I dieted in the past, it just meant I grazed on more healthy foods, like vegetables, and didn't have any substantial food until dinner. I knew about the "starvation" mode my body could go into if I wasn't eating enough calories, but figured as long as I was losing weight, that was OK. (eventually, I'd stop losing as my body held on to everything I fed it) When Jalaine let us know what our personalized caloric intake should be she mentioned that some of us might think it's too much to lose weight with but, because we are exercising, our bodies need the energy. My number, 1500, didn't seem high to me until I started planning and preparing meals and snacks. I'm eating lots more food than I used to and am losing weight! I've discovered that it really doesn't take too much time to prepare a meal or snack for myself and I'm really enjoying the tastes of my food choices. I know this way of eating is healthier and is a lifetime adjustment, not just a short-term diet.

I love to see the calorie counter on my treadmill show how many calories I've burned. I don't know how accurate it is, but the number is lots higher than when I could only do about 15 minutes before giving up. I've had this treadmill for 5 years and have never been able to go for more than 30 minutes at a time and that's with no incline. I'm amazed at the energy I have to not only briskly walk for an hour, but at a number 4 incline! This is only after 3 1/2 weeks. I can only imagine what I'll be able to do at the end of the 14 weeks of this challenge! I'd love to be able to run that 5K in May!

Friday, March 6, 2009


It's been a difficult couple of days nutrition-wise. A very thoughtful member of my family brought home a Costco-size bucket of Oreo Dark Chocolate Bark and left me alone with it! (Can you say, "sabotage"?) I thought I could handle having just one piece. No, that stuff is addicting! I had to remove it from the house to keep myself from eating half the bucket. My husband works in an office where people bring treats all the time so, I took it there and all was well - or so I thought! Having that little taste of heaven brought back all kinds of cravings for sweets. I've really been enjoying my healthier diet and hadn't missed the high sugar/high fat treats until I ate some. I was tempted to just blow off the entire day, but instead gathered my strength, wrote down the Oreo Bark in my food journal (guessing it had a million calories) and endured. Going to exercise with Kelli really helped me get back on track! Today, I still was craving junk and again, exercised helped.

It has been so helpful to have Kelli monitor the level of my workouts. Previously when I'd start exercising I would overdo it and be too tired and sore to exercise the rest of the week. It really made me not like exercise. This has been a much better experience. She works me hard and I sure sweat, but I'm not so sore I can't move the next day. I look forward to my daily exercise. I only meet with Kelli twice a week but use those workouts as guidelines for my own exercise routines on the other days of the week. I can't believe I like exercise. My family is in shock!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I have more energy!

I am so thankful to be part of the 100-Day-Heart Challenge! We are into our third week and I am already feeling a difference. I have never been a regular exerciser so to dedicate time six days a week to exercise is new for me … but I'm really enjoying it! I find I have more energy and want to eat better. It's hard work burning those calories! I think twice before putting something high fat into my mouth. It doesn't mean I don't eat a treat from time to time. I'm just more aware (and careful)- My eyes have been opened!

I love vegetables, so filling my day with low calorie foods is easy. The members of my family are not as excited about them, but because of this challenge, they are being supportive and tolerating extra veggies at dinner time. The trick for me is to keep the servings from the other food groups under control. What's the RDA for chocolate?

It's tricky making dinners that my family likes and will fit into my food plan. Last week I introduced them to healthy lettuce wraps (I really like them!). Well, needless to say, I ended up eating leftovers for lunch for the next three days! Today is my husband's birthday and he requested one of his favorite casseroles for dinner. I tried to figure out the calorie count per serving and finally decided it would be too high to even consider eating. That's when the frozen Healthy Choice meal in the freezer comes in handy! That Manicotti was pretty good, too! I'm hoping my family will come to like some of the healthy eating habits being introduced.